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Giving Thanks to the Turkey

Okay, so there actually wasn't a turkey this year. But... I cooked a small feast, and since this is a food blog, I figured I should post it here... to um, let the blog fulfil its food destiny, or something.

I spent over 5 hours in the kitchen today, straight, and tomorrow we shall feast!!!

Potato Salad. No recipe. I couldn't tell you how much of what to put in it, either. It's just one of those instinct things, thanks to my mom for that. :P

Butternut Squash casserole. recipe here:
Butternut Squash Casserole

Chicken & Dressing. I get a little bit better each time I make it... Again, no recipe here...

"Killer Cranberry Chutney" recipe is here:
Cranberry Apple Pear Chutney

And, I had some apple cider just sitting in the fridge. It was not the best and so I thought I'd spice it up a bit. Mmm!
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